News and articles

We publish reviews of the most important events in the field of business, corporate law, and accounting.

We pay special attention to innovative financial solutions, blockchain technologies, and cryptocurrencies in particular.


Estonian Company Annual Report Submission Service & Filing Guide

Preparing and filing the annual report is mandatory for all legal entities and enterprises that are registered and operating in Estonia.

Transportation license in Estonia

Looking to start a transport business in Estonia? Learn how to obtain your cargo carriage license and operate across the EU without barriers.

Legal Address in Estonia: Reliable Business Solutions for Your Company

A legal address for your company in Estonia from Eesti Firma is a convenient and affordable solution for modern businesses without unnecessary bureaucracy. Contact us today!

Family Law in Estonia

Family Law in Estonia is regulated by a comprehensive set of legislative norms, at the heart of which is the Family Law Act. This law covers all key aspects of family relationships, including the procedures for entering into marriage and divorce, issues of guardianship and custody of children, settling child support obligations, division of jointly acquired property, as well as other important points affecting family life.

Child Support in Estonia

Alimony is financial aid that one parent (usually the one not living with the child) pays to the other parent to meet the child’s material needs. These payments are intended to cover expenses for housing, food, clothing, medical care, education, and other needs necessary for the child’s care and development.

Establishing a Subsidiary Company in Europe

The expansion of international companies into the European Union through registering a European branch or subsidiary in the EU opens wide opportunities for access to the single market and strengthening business ties in the region. The process of establishing a subsidiary company in Estonia for foreign enterprises involves several key stages, at each of which we provide complete support and consultancy services. Our goal is to make this process as smooth and worry-free as possible for your business.

MLRO for Lithuanian crypto company

Having a competent MLRO among the permanent residents of Lithuania is a prerequisite for obtaining a crypto license in Lithuania and ensuring proper operation of the crypto exchange service. One of the primary duties of a Compliance Officer in a Lithuanian blockchain project is tracking cryptocurrency transactions and communicating with the regulatory body FNTT.

Ready-made crypto company in Lithuania

Acquiring a ready-made crypto company in Lithuania is the simplest and fastest way to start your crypto business and launch a blockchain startup – we have already done all the necessary bureaucratic procedures for obtaining a cryptocurrency license for you!

Crypto License

A crypto license or crypto authorization is an official permission that is issued by the crypto service provider’s controlling authorities in a certain jurisdiction and allows legally providing services for exchanging cryptocurrency for fiat money or other cryptocurrencies, as well as offering custodial crypto wallet services.

Accounting services for IT companies

For many years the accountants and consultants of our company have been specializing in accounting services for the IT sector and have accumulated a considerable amount of knowledge and experience in this area. In this article we will talk about the main features and nuances of accounting, which are typical for representatives of the IT and innovation industry, as well as draw attention to accounting services which may be required for almost every IT project.


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