Electronic Invoices in Estonia

Implementing e-Invoicing in Estonia: Benefits, Requirements, and Tips for a Successful Transition

Electronic invoices (e-Invoicing) are becoming an integral part of modern business in Estonia. For entrepreneurs with an Estonian company, implementing e-Invoicing can be a key factor in increasing business efficiency and complying with legal requirements. This process not only simplifies accounting management but also reduces costs while increasing business efficiency.

In 2024-2025, new requirements and standards for e-Invoicing will be introduced in Estonia, making it mandatory for most companies. In this article, we will look at the key aspects of electronic invoices, their benefits, and the requirements for a successful transition to e-Invoicing.

Eesti Firma OÜ has been providing accounting services in Estonia for over 10 years, helping companies adapt to new requirements and use advanced accounting technologies. Our experienced accountants have in-depth knowledge of electronic invoices and are ready to help your business successfully switch to e-Invoicing. We offer an individual approach to each client and guarantee a high level of service and support at all stages of implementation.

What are Electronic Invoices?

Electronic invoices or e-Invoicing are a digital version of traditional paper invoices that are created, sent, and processed electronically. The main difference from traditional invoices lies in the automation and standardization of the process, which significantly reduces processing time and minimizes the likelihood of errors. An important aspect of e-Invoicing is its compliance with legal requirements, ensuring the legal validity and recognition of these documents in any country.

Legislative Framework and Requirements

In Estonia, the use of electronic invoices (e-Invoicing) is regulated at the state level and is based on several key legislative acts. The main requirements for electronic document management are established by the Accounting Act (Raamatupidamise seadus) and the Digital Services Act (Digitaalsete teenuste seadus). Additional regulation is provided by the Value Added Tax Act (Käibemaksuseadus), which defines the rules for taxation and invoicing, including electronic invoices.

Since July 1, 2019, in accordance with amendments to the Public Procurement Act (Riigihangete seadus), mandatory requirements for the use of electronic invoices have been introduced for all suppliers working with government agencies. The laws stipulate that all companies providing goods or services to government bodies are required to issue invoices in electronic format using standard government formats such as XML. This requirement applies to both new contracts and existing ones, making the implementation of e-Invoicing a mandatory condition for cooperation with government agencies.

Advantages of Transitioning to e-Invoicing

The transition to electronic invoices significantly simplifies accounting, which is especially important for companies operating under strict legislation.

  • Simplification of Accounting Processes: e-Invoicing automates many routine tasks, such as creating, sending, and accounting for invoices, which significantly reduces the workload on accounting.
  • Reduction of Administrative Costs: Transitioning to electronic invoices helps reduce costs associated with paper, postal services, and document storage.
  • Increased Accuracy: Process automation reduces the risk of errors associated with human factors, ensuring data accuracy.
  • Acceleration of Payment Processes: Electronic invoices allow for faster payment processing, improving cash flow management and increasing company liquidity.
  • Convenience and Accessibility: Access to electronic invoices can be obtained at any time and from anywhere in the world, simplifying interactions with partners.

These advantages make e-Invoicing an essential part of successful business management in Estonia. By contacting Eesti Firma OÜ for accounting services, you can seamlessly adapt your company to the new standards, minimizing risks and increasing efficiency.

The Process of Transitioning to Electronic Invoices

The transition to electronic invoices is not just a technical process but a strategic step that requires careful preparation. It is important to organize this process correctly so that it goes as smoothly as possible and complies with legal requirements.

  • Step-by-Step Guide: The implementation of e-Invoicing begins with selecting appropriate software that meets legal requirements and business needs.
  • Software Selection: The market offers many solutions for e-Invoicing, including specialized platforms and modules within existing accounting systems. The choice depends on the scale of the company and its needs.
  • Integration with Accounting Systems: After selecting the software, it must be integrated with existing accounting systems to ensure automatic data processing and minimize manual work.

Completing the integration helps significantly reduce administrative burdens and strengthen control over business processes. If necessary, seeking specialized support during the implementation phases can contribute to a more successful adaptation to new regulatory requirements and reduce the risk of errors.

Tips for Successful e-Invoicing Implementation

Before starting the implementation of e-Invoicing, it is important to conduct a comprehensive analysis of current business processes and prepare the company for possible changes. Successful adaptation to new requirements requires a careful approach and thorough planning at all stages.

  • Company Preparation: Before implementing e-Invoicing, it is important to audit current business processes to identify areas requiring changes. This will help better prepare for the transition.
  • Consulting Professionals: To avoid errors and ensure compliance with new standards, it is recommended to seek help from professionals.
  • Avoiding Mistakes: It is important to ensure that all data entered into the system is accurate and complies with legal requirements. This will help avoid problems with tax authorities and partners.

These measures will help minimize the risks associated with transitioning to electronic invoices and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. Proper preparation and support from specialists during the implementation phase significantly increase the chances of successfully integrating the e-Invoicing system.

The new rules on the mandatory use of electronic invoices (e-Invoicing) from 2025 will also affect e-residents who have opened companies in Estonia. Since companies registered in Estonia are subject to Estonian law, regardless of who owns or manages them, these rules will apply to e-residents on the same terms as to local companies.


For companies subject to mandatory e-Invoicing, it is recommended to start preparations early to ensure a smooth transition and compliance with legal requirements. For those not required to implement electronic invoices, it is important to monitor potential legislative changes and assess the feasibility of voluntarily adopting e-Invoicing to enhance the efficiency and convenience of business processes.


Implementing electronic invoices is an important step towards business digitalization. The new requirements of 2024-2025 make e-Invoicing mandatory for most companies in Estonia, so it is important to prepare for these changes in advance. The use of e-Invoicing not only complies with legislation but also offers many advantages to businesses, from cost reduction to increased efficiency. The recommendations provided in this article will help you successfully transition to e-Invoicing and maximize its benefits for your business.

If you have any doubts or need help adapting to the new rules, consult professionals who can help you ensure compliance with the new standards and avoid potential errors. Our company offers comprehensive support, accounting services, consultations, and verification of your transition to electronic invoices, which will help you effectively adapt to the new requirements.

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