Payment Account for an Estonian Company at Bilderlings

Overview by Eesti Firma: Benefits of Opening a Business Account for an Estonian Company at Bilderlings

Opening a business account is a task that requires a serious approach and consideration of many factors. It’s not just a formality but a crucial step that defines the financial foundation of your company.

When choosing a financial partner, it’s important to consider the scope of your company’s activities, types and frequency of payments, potential counterparties, and many other aspects. The right choice will determine how efficiently and conveniently you can manage your finances.

As part of our activities at Eesti Firma OÜ, we assist entrepreneurs with company registration in Estonia and offer various corporate services. Today, we want to share our experience and talk about the opportunities for opening a business account with the Bilderlings payment system. This system offers a variety of financial tools that can be beneficial for your business.

Bilderlings: A Payment System for Modern Businesses

The Bilderlings payment system provides a wide range of services that can be useful for companies registered in Estonia. Let’s take a closer look at the advantages it offers.

Personalized Customer Service

Bilderlings is known for its personalized approach to customers. When opening an account with this system, you can expect tailored service. Bilderlings specialists carefully study your business needs and offer solutions that best meet your goals. This is especially important for companies operating in specific industries or with special requirements for financial transactions.

Ease of Account Opening

The process of opening an account with Bilderlings is quite simple and convenient. All stages, from registration to document submission and account activation, can be completed remotely, either by contacting a personal manager or online. This saves time and allows you to focus on running your business rather than on bureaucratic formalities.

Global Financial Operations: SEPA and SWIFT

One of the key advantages of Bilderlings is the ability to make payments through the SEPA and SWIFT systems. These tools make Bilderlings attractive to companies engaged in international activities. SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) allows for quick and cost-effective euro payments within Europe, which is particularly useful for European companies and their partners. SWIFT, in turn, enables international payments to virtually any point in the world.

Plastic and Virtual Cards

Bilderlings offers its clients both plastic and virtual payment cards. This provides flexibility in managing corporate expenses. Plastic cards can be used for regular purchases and cash withdrawals, while virtual cards are ideal for secure online transactions and expense control.

A Wide Range of Additional Services

In addition to the basic functions of a business account, Bilderlings provides numerous additional services that can significantly ease business operations:

  • Mobile App: manage accounts and payments directly from your smartphone.
  • Multicurrency Support: the ability to work with various currencies, which is important for companies engaged in international transactions.
  • Payment Automation: set up regular payments to optimize financial processes.
  • Technical Support: accessible and prompt assistance with any issues.


When choosing a payment system to open a business account, it’s important to consider many factors to find the best solution for your business. Bilderlings offers a wide range of services and a personalized approach to each client, making it an attractive option for Estonian companies.

At Eesti Firma OÜ, we are always ready to help you understand the intricacies of financial management and offer the best solutions for your business. If you have any questions or need assistance with company registration in Estonia, contact us — we will be happy to assist you at every stage.

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